Maneuvering Life’s Curveball and Challenges


As pro-baseball pitchers know, a curve ball can be a great weapon in their pitching arsenal. Curve balls leave the batter guessing, often resulting in putaway pitches, more strikeouts and shorter innings. Baseball fans, players, and those in the world of baseball expect to see and look forward to favorite pitchers dishing out those forward spinning balls.

Outside of the game of baseball though, we are taken aback and often shaken by life’s curveballs. These unexpected events often bring forth challenges, obstacles and sometimes a sense of exhaustion and defeat. When we are faced with life’s curveballs, or life’s challenges, what can we do to gracefully maneuver and supersede these encumbrances? Recognizing that challenges and obstacles are a part of the journey called life and understanding that some of the world’s most talented, well-known, and successful people overcame the greatest of trials and tribulations, may give you the steam to keep moving forward in the wake of your circumstances.

Don’t resist!

Resisting the current state of affairs that were sprung upon you may cause you emotional pain, anger, and confusion. These negative emotions may block your ability to think clearly and prevent you from creating a healthy path forward. When we acknowledge and accept that an undesirable situation has occurred, we start the process that will allow us inner peace and clarity of thought.

Try not to push the fear, frustration and anger away, as it will rebound like a boomerang. Instead, give yourself grace and allow it to wash through you. Your willingness to be present with these feelings are key to their dissipation. With this peace of heart and clarity of mind, we will best prepared to resolve, recover and forge ahead on a more fulfilling journey. Remember, even a stamp takes a licking before it reaches its destination.

Never give up, move forward with renewed strength, stayed focused and you will create the most favorable outcome.

Knock that curveball right out of the park! Peace, love and great health to you!


Celebrating 8 Years in Business! A letter from LisaMarie

LisaMarie C. Tersigni

In September of 2020, I celebrate my company Inspiring Wellness Solutions, LLC’s eighth year offering its unique services to our clients (regionally and across the United States), the community, local and national organizations.  I can not be more thrilled to be a part of the Capital District community and to house my wellness practice in the beautiful urban setting of Troy, New York. 

Prior to founding my holistic wellness practice, Inspiring Wellness Solutions, LLC, (IWS) in September 2012, I worked in the healthcare field for 22 years. My experience covered the spectrum of occupational health (injuries), group health plans (illness & wellness) and managed care programs (assuring appropriate care).   

Guided by my spirit to create a wellness practice that teaches holistic and natural wellness, empowers others to step into their totality of wellbeing, and provide the tools and personal hands-on support, I founded IWS. I am called a healer by many, and although I love that title, the truth is, I participate in my clients’ healing, but I am not the sole source of it.   

Building on my education and 22 years of healthcare experience, I enrolled, studied, and expanded my knowledge in a myriad of fields, such as: cognitive behavior counseling, nutrition, past-life regression treatments/guidance, and aromatherapy.  Prior to founding IWS, I had already studied and became a Reiki Master and teacher. At the time of my Reiki training (20 years ago), Reiki students studied under a Reiki Master which included a syllabus of reading materials, writing papers, attunements, practical’s, and experience working with clients. As a respected and experienced Reiki Master, I was offered the opportunity to participate as a Reiki Research Professional through a cooperative partnership between the Center for Reiki Research and Harvard University.   

Driven by the joy I see within my clients as they speak their truth, become a force in their well-being, and achieve their goals (physical, emotional & spiritual wellness, life, business) I become increasingly dedicated and committed to serve and provide opportunities of wellness for many.

The last eight years have been filled with wonderful experiences, such as writing a health column for Latino New York newspaper, hosting ‘Tune in to Wellness’ television show,  speaking as a key-note speaker for a women’s cancer retreat, teaching at local community events and for national organizations; to name a few. For additional fun, I officiate weddings filled with love and laughter.

Inspiring Wellness Solutions, LLC is a heart-centered, passion-filled home of holistic wellness for those who are ready to be heard, loved unconditionally, heal, and create their life of comfort, good health, and happiness.

I look forward to meeting you, learning about you, and co-creating the most appropriate avenues of wellness for you.  

Yours in peace, joy, and great health,


LisaMarie C. Tersigni
September 2020