
March 21, 2020

Out of Italy:

Italy’s Department of Civil Protection: Registered Deaths ‘WITH’ Covid-19

The deaths associated with the coronavirus are people with one, two, and three advanced health conditions and high risk of morbidity, older than 70, with a peak between 80-89 years of age.

The confirmed symptoms of those dead are shortness of breath and fever.

The deaths associated with the coronavirus are people with one, two, and three advanced health conditions and high risk of morbidity, older than 70, with a peak between 80-89 years of age.

The confirmed symptoms of those dead are shortness of breath and fever.

Only two individuals under the age of 70 have died, both 39 years of age; one with diagnosed lymphoma and the other with obesity, diabetes and other health conditions present. It is confirmed that the state of health of those with existing advanced chronic health conditions has been aggravated with the presence of the virus.

Registered Deaths ‘BECAUSE OF’ Covid-19: With the present evidence, only two deaths have shown no presence of secondary health conditions, and further testing is being done at this point.

Out of China:

China CDC found that only 2.3% of confirmed cases died. But the fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older, likely reflecting the presence of other diseases, a weaker immune system, or simply worse overall health. By contrast, the fatality rate was 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39.

In the first large study of the effect of underlying illness, researchers in China analyzed 1,590 patients from throughout the country with laboratory-confirmed disease. They calculated how existing illnesses affected the risk of being admitted to intensive care, being put on a ventilator, or dying.

After taking into account the patients’ ages and smoking status, the researchers found that the 399 patients with at least one additional disease (including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hepatitis B, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney diseases, and cancer) had a 79% greater chance of requiring intensive care or a respirator or both, or of dying, they reported last week in a paper posted to medRxiv, a preprint site that posts research before it has been peer-reviewed. The 130 with two or more additional diseases had 2.5 times the risk of any of those outcomes.

The numbers are these: While patients who reported no health conditions had a case fatality rate of 0.9%, patients with health conditions had much higher rates—10.5% for those with cardiovascular disease, 7.3% for diabetes, 6.3% for chronic respiratory disease, 6.0% for hypertension, and 5.6% for cancer. Case fatality rate was also very high for cases categorized as critical at 49.0%.

Message from LisaMarie, March 19, 2020

Data published from China indicates, in greater than 80% of people who tested positive for Covid-19, there were minimal symptoms no more concerning than a mild cold.  However, in a small group of individuals, the symptoms were severe, and catastrophic leading to death.

Individuals most at risk of death or severe illness had these commonalities:

  1.  On average they were older than 60 years of age
  2.  On average they had higher rates of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and pre-respiratory issues.

An editorial published in The New England Journal of Medicine questioned the relationship of ACE inhibitors (blood pressure medication) and possible increased susceptibility to COVID19.

It remains important to heed the CDC’s recommendations, and act rationally to reduce your exposure, and the exposure of others. 

Equally important is for you to build and maintain a strong immune system. 

Please note that ten’s of thousands of people around the world who had coronavirus, had minimal symptoms, and are now healthy. 

Take precautions, but do not fret. Stay calm, stay rational, and take care of your immune system.

If you have friends/family who are in a compromised category, be extra diligent in helping them remain safe.

If you need help with building your immune system strong, do not hesitate to call me.

Sending light and love,



1. The same diseases which are directly related to personal habits appear to increase the severity of coronavirus.   [diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity]

2.  Moderate intensity exercise improves immune function and reduces the risk of common respiratory infections.  

3.  Beginning an exercise routine will improve your lung capacity and improve your general health


Message from LisaMarie.  March 16, 2020    Re: Covid-19 Office Status

Greetings to you on this lovely sunny March day.

Your health, peace and overall wellbeing remain my passion and priority.
Inspiring Wellness Solutions remains open, and to help you be at ease during this turbulent time, I have implemented temporary measures such as; rubs on the back instead of hugs (killer for me), increased sanitary measures (being a germ-a-phobe, the changes were minimal ), and offering counseling sessions via telephone, should you prefer not to come into the office.

The concerns surrounding the Covid-19 virus has caused confusion, fear and stress among many. Stress has the strong potential to break down your immune system, therefore, it is very important you create and maintain peace within, to keep your immune system strong.

· Take recommended CDC precautions
· Eat healthy
· Strolls, walks, runs, bike-rides, hikes… in the fresh air
· Stay appropriately hydrated
· Good sleep
· Essential Oils for protection and for peace & calm
· Colloidal Silver, Echinacea, Zinc, CBD
· Reiki treatments
· Aromatherapy treatments

Spread your love. Spread calm. I am confident this situation will pass by May/June.

Sending you light, love and blessings,


Effect of Eggs on Blood Cholesterol

eggs affect on cholesterol
eggs and their effect on cholesterol

Research distorts effect of eggs on blood cholesterol.

According to a new review published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, industry-funded research has inappropriately downplayed the effects of egg consumption on cholesterol levels. 

Researchers with the Physicians Committee examined all research studies published between 1950 to March of 2019 that evaluated the effect of eggs on blood cholesterol levels and examined funding sources and their influence on study findings. 

The percentage of industry-funded studies increased over time; from 0% in the 1950’s to 60 percent in 2010-2019.  More than 85 percent of the research studies, regardless of funding sources, showed that eggs have unfavorable effects on blood cholesterol.  Forty-nine percent of industry publications reported conclusions that conflicted with actual study results, compared with 13 percent of non-industry funded trials. 

Previous research published in JAMA found that eating even a small amount of eggs daily significantly raised the risk for both cardiovascular disease and premature death from all causes.

Caution: Remain aware of funding sources when interpreting research.

Am J Lifestyle Med. Published online December 11, 2019

Can Plant-Based Diets Reduce Medical Expenses?

plant-based diet
plant-based diet

According to new data from the Tzu Chi Vegetarian Study, following a plant-based diet reduces health expenses compared with consuming a diet containing meat. 

Researchers from Taiwan looked at more than 12,000 Buddhist volunteers and compared a diet of frequent fruit, vegetables, soy and nuts (vegetarian) compared to a diet characterized by relatively more consumption of meat and fish and less plant-based foods (omnivore).  Vegetarians had a 15 percent lower total medical expenditure and a 13 percent lower outpatient medical expenditure, compared with omnivores in this study.

Specifically, vegetarians had lower expenses related to hypertension, dyslipidemia, depression, heart disease and renal disease. 

Compared to Taiwan’s general population, as opposed to this cohort, the vegetarian had a 25 percent lower medical expenditure.

Lin CL, W JH, Chang CC, Chiu THT, Lin MN. Vegetarian diets and medical expenditure in Taiwan — a matched cohort study. Nutrients. 2019;11:2688.

Scientists find link between Fibromyalgia and Gut Microbiome

back pain

Scientists have found a correlation between Fibromyalgia and alterations in the gut microbiome.

A Montreal based research team has found that there are alterations in the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tracts of people with fibromyalgia. Approximately 20 different species of bacteria were found in either greater or lesser quantities in the microbiomes of the fibromyalgia control group participants.  

The team used a range of techniques, including artificial intelligence, to confirm the changes they saw in the microbiomes of the patients were not caused by factors such as diet, medication, physical activity, and age; all of which are known to affect the microbiome. Dr. Amir Minerbi, from the Alan Edwards Pain Management Unit at the McGill Universtiy Health Center stated, “We found that fibromyalgia and the symptoms of fibromyalgia – pain, fatigue and cognitive difficulties – contribute more than any of the other factors to the variations we see in the microbiomes of those with the disease. We also saw that the severity of a patient’s symptoms was directly correlated with an increased presence or a more pronounced absence of certain bacteria – something which has never been reported before.”

At this point, it is not clear whether the changes in gut bacteria seen in patients with fibromyalgia are simply markers of the disease or whether they play a role in causing it.

Due to the fact the disease involves a cluster of symptoms, the next step in the research will be to investigate whether there are similar changes in the gut microbiome in other conditions involving chronic pain, such as lower back pain, headaches and neuropathic pain.

The researchers are also interested in exploring whether bacteria play a causal role in the development of pain and fibromyalgia. And whether their presence could, eventually, help in finding a cure, as well as speed up the process of diagnosis.

“We sorted through large amounts of data, identifying 19 species that were either increased or decreased in individuals with fibromyalgia,” says Emmanuel Gonzalez, from the Canadian Center for Computational Genomics and the Department of Human Genetics at McGill University. “By using machine learning, our computer was able to make a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, based only on the composition of the microbiome, with an accuracy of 87 percent. As we build on this first discovery with more research, we hope to improve upon this accuracy, potentially creating a step-change in diagnosis.”

Fibromyalgia affects two to four percent of the population and has no known cure. Symptoms include fatigue, impaired sleep and cognitive difficulties, but the disease is most clearly characterized by widespread chronic pain.   It is a disease that has proved difficult to diagnose; some patients wait four to five years to receive a final diagnosis.  Perhaps this will change in the near future.

Reference: Minerbi, A., Gonzalez, E., Brereton, N. J. B., Anjarkouchian, A., Dewar, K., Fitzcharles, M.-A., … Shir, Y. (2019). Altered microbiome composition in individuals with fibromyalgia. PAIN, Articles in Press.