Spiritual Readings: Healing, Comfort, Foresight, Guidance, Confirmation
LisaMarie will provide you with support, comfort, confirmation, guidance through her ability to feel, sense, see energy/images, vision, and hear messages via the gift of prophecy and mediumship.
a). to provide predictive messages that are divinely inspired (prophetic) to provide foresight, comfort, guidance and confirmation.
b). to provide images and/or messages from your loved ones whose souls have transitioned into spirit to comfort, heal, and for confirmation.
What this is: 30 minute one/one in-person session [long-distance/phone may available]
Style: Direct, Concise (no extrapolating, or storytelling)
Value: Healing, Comfort, Foresight, Guidance, Confirmation
Safety: Divinely protected
What this is not: Tarot, Palm, Crystal ball, Aura, Astrological, Psychometry. Email Psychic Readings, Medium group circles
Price: $60.00
To Schedule Appointment with LisaMarie: call 518-603-0326 Sunday-Wednesday or e-mail: iwshealing@gmail.com