Our endocannabinoid
system [ECS] is vitally important to maintaining homeostasis throughout our
bodies and minds. It is one of the most
important communication systems in the body.
An imbalanced ECS may contribute toward conditions such as depression,
anxiety, fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, obesity and more.
Our brains have a
complex network of receptors, central nervous system and immune system that are
activated by two natural chemicals (endocannabinoids) called anandamide and
2-AG. The receptors (CB1 and CB2) are
everywhere in our bodies.
Endocannabinoid activity is involved in a myriad of physiological
functions; sleep, appetite, sexual reproduction, pain, immune system, mood,
memory and cell growth.
Scientists believe the
ECS works as a master biological regulator, a bit like a conductor in an
orchestra, making sure that all the individual sections work in harmony.
Due to our current
culture (lifestyles of the 21st century) of rushing, living fast,
eating processed foods, self-medicating with alcohol/drugs, sleep deprivation,
increased stress, our endocannabinoid system is straining and struggling. The results of the ECS struggles is resulting
in a litany of health conditions ranging from fibromyalgia, rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic fatigue, MS, anxiety and depression.
Signs your
endocannabinoid system may be off-balanced and straining:
- High or oversensitivity to pain:
Scientists have discovered that a number of conditions relating to oversensitivity to pain such as fibromyalgia, IBS, migraines, and MS share what is known as endocannabinoid deficiency. This refers to lower levels of the endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-AG as well as fewer endocannabinoid receptors.
- You feel anxious or depressed
there is a variety of reasons someone may be anxious or depressed, a
deregulated endocannabinoid system is believed to be a biomarker.
indicate that low levels of 2-AG (a key
endocannabinoid) are present in depressed states and PTSD. In addition, normal CB1
endocannabinoid receptor expression in the brain appears to play a pivotal role
in maintaining mental health as well: a study trialing a new obesity drug found that blocking the CB1
receptor had the unwanted side effect of causing anxiety.
news: something as simple as going for a
power-walk or run could be a good way to give our ECS a mood boost. We know
that the euphoria experienced through intense exercise is as much to do with anandamide as endorphin production.
- You Have an Autoimmune
the last fifty years there has been a dramatic rise in autoimmune conditions. Elevated stress levels certainly play a role,
but could an off-kilter endocannabinoid system also be a factor?
fully functioning ECS is vital to keeping our immune system in balance. It
acts rather like a dimmer switch, giving our immune system a boost when it
needs a helping hand, and dampening it down when over-activated. Immune
over-activation occurs in autoimmune disease. Instead of fighting off
outside invaders, our immune system literally turns in on itself, reaping havoc
in the body.
know that elevated endocannabinoid levels and CB2 receptors are found in patients with autoimmune diseases and conditions
associated with chronic inflammation. It is thought that this increased
activity is the ECS trying to bring our systems back into balance again.
in cannabis and hemp like CBD have been found to reduce inflammation in the body and,
thanks to their antioxidant properties, may even protect autoimmune sufferers from further cell damage.
- You Find it Hard to Lose
Above we spoke about a deficient ECS, but it’s also possible for our endocannabinoid system to become over-activated, causing weight gain and even diabetes. That’s why an obesity drug trialed was found to block endocannabinoid CB1 receptors. Scientists, however, are unsure if overeating causes increased CB1 signaling, or whether obesity itself is a consequence of an overactive endocannabinoid system. Either way, the goods news is that diet and exercise, as well as, quality Omega 3 will bring your endocannabinoid levels back into balance again. Our endocannabinoid system works tirelessly on our behalf.
may be time to start giving your ECS much needed tender loving care. How?
- Minimize stress
- Receiving enough sleep
- Eating healthy
- Eliminating/reducing
- Regular fitness
- Supplementing with
natural, organic CBD Oil. CBD oil is
high in cannabinoids.
Known or believed benefits:
- Neuroprotective properties
- Reduce acne
- Alleviate cancer related symptoms
- Benefit hearth health
- Anti-tumor effects
- Diabetes prevention
- Substance abuse treatment
- Anti-psychotic effects
- Reduction of anxiety
- Pain relief
Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil is high in cannabinoids; a group of phytochemicals found in cannabis plants. It is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis. Scientists have proposed Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome (CEDS) as a spectrum disorder
To learn more about CBD Oil and how it may help you, your loved ones, or your animal companions, give us a call.