Research distorts effect of eggs on blood cholesterol.
According to a new review published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, industry-funded research has inappropriately downplayed the effects of egg consumption on cholesterol levels.
Researchers with the Physicians Committee examined all research studies published between 1950 to March of 2019 that evaluated the effect of eggs on blood cholesterol levels and examined funding sources and their influence on study findings.
The percentage of industry-funded studies increased over time; from 0% in the 1950’s to 60 percent in 2010-2019. More than 85 percent of the research studies, regardless of funding sources, showed that eggs have unfavorable effects on blood cholesterol. Forty-nine percent of industry publications reported conclusions that conflicted with actual study results, compared with 13 percent of non-industry funded trials.
Previous research published in JAMA found that eating even a small amount of eggs daily significantly raised the risk for both cardiovascular disease and premature death from all causes.
Caution: Remain aware of funding sources when interpreting research.
Am J Lifestyle Med. Published online December 11, 2019