3D-Bio-printed Tumor to Help Identify New Therapeutics

3D-Bioprinted Tumor to Help Identify New Therapeutics
University of Minnesota researchers developed 3D-bioprinted
vascularized tumor tissue to study the molecular mechanisms of tumor
progression and metastasis, and identify therapeutic agents and screen
anticancer drugs.

This in vitro model is completely comprised of human cells, making it
translatable to human anatomy and physiology. Studying the effects of
drugs with human cells at this level makes the results more predictive of what will happen in the body. This model can even use the patients’ own tumor cells leading to advancements in treatments targeted to specific tumor types.  

Vascularized tumor models are created to mimic key steps of cancer
invasion, intravasation, and angiogenesis. This 3D-bioprinted tumor
model can provide valuable understandings into the clinical
translatability of potential treatments since it provides simplified
chemical environments, making it more convenient to define
molecular mechanisms.

Researchers initially focused on lung cancer and melanoma. They are
planning to incorporate more cell types, like immune system cells, as well as cell therapies, and study those interactions. 

DMeng F, Meyer CM, Joung D, et al. 3D bioprinted in vitro metastatic models via reconstruction of tumor microenvironments. Advanced Materials. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201806899 


Human Metabolism on a Computer

Human Metabolism on a Computer: B

Bio-Transformer is a freely available computational tool that can predict and identify chemical, drug, pesticide, and food compound metabolites in humans and the environment.

Humans encounter a large number of chemicals in the course of one day. Provided our bodies are working optimally and under the right circumstances, we can tolerate many chemicals without adverse effects due to a function of metabolism.

Key: Human metabolism is complex and in many respects different from that of other species. Using the BioTransformer tool will help to more accurately predict how humans metabolize chemicals, rather than relying on incorrect information from animal tests.

The highlight of this tool is that it is open access and demonstrated to be similar to, if not better than, comparable commercial software. In addition, it includes small molecule metabolism by environmental microbes, which currently has not been explored in software tools of its kind. Open access tools and publications encourage scientific sharing that will lead to breakthroughs in computational modeling and machine learning in the field of molecular metabolism for safety assessment.

Djoumbou-Feunang Y, Fiamoncini J, Gil-de-la-Fuente A, et al. BioTransformer: a comprehensive computational tool for small molecule metabolism prediction and metabolite identification.  J Cheminform. 2019;11:2. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-018-0324-5

Reduce Risk for Gallstones

Plant-Based Diets Reduce Risk for Gallstones

Researchers followed 4,839 participants and tracked diet, cholesterol levels, and gallstone incidence rates. Women who consumed a nonvegetarian diet had an increased risk for gallstones, compared with women who consumed a vegetarian diet.

Women with hypercholesterolemia had almost 4 times the risk for gallstones, compared with vegetarian women who had normal cholesterol levels.

Vegetarian diets lower cholesterol through increased fiber intake and may protect against other risk factors including insulin resistance and obesity.

Chang CM, Chiu THT, Chang CC, Lin MN, Lin CL. Plant-based diet, cholesterol, and risk of gallstone disease: a prospective study. Nutrients. 2019;11:335-349.

Vegetarian diets reduce the risk for gallstone disease, according to research published in Nutrients.

Improving Mental Health

Fruits and Vegetables Improve Mental Well-Being

Adding more fruits and vegetables to one’s diet improves mental well-being, according to research published in Social Science & Medicine.

Researchers compared fruit and vegetable consumption and life satisfaction rates from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) survey results.

Results showed a dose-response relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and improvements in mental well-being. The study also reported a link between frequency of consumption and improvements in mental health in the short term. The authors recommend clinicians communicate these potential benefits to increase fruit and vegetable intake among their patients.

Ocean N, Howley P, Ensor J. Lettuce be happy: A longitudinal UK study on the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and well-being. Soc Sci Med. 2019;222:335-345.

New Cell Model Provides Insights into sporadic Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, affecting 47 million people worldwide, with 5.7 million cases in the United States alone. Sporadic Alzheimer’s disease accounts for more than 90 percent of all Alzheimer’s cases. This form disproportionally affects people without a family history of the disease and is believed to be caused by a variety of environmental and genetic risk factors.

Geneticists at Harvard Medical School created a new model-in-a-dish of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease using neural cells derived from sporadic Alzheimer’s disease and induced pluripotent stem cells. This model signifies the first time researchers have ever been able to identify the same molecular irregularities across several lines of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease and provides greater understanding into early molecular alterations that may lead to the disease.

This new cell model is an important step forward in narrowing down the factors involved in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease and toward the development of potential therapies that stop or reverse the disease progression.

This human-based in vitro model identified changes in neural stem cells during early development. During analysis, researchers observed unusually high activity in genes related to neuron differentiation in the sporadic Alzheimer’s disease cells, suggesting that brain cells derived from patients with neurodegeneration develop faster, not slower, than cells derived from non-Alzheimer’s patients. Researchers can now use this new model to study the impact on this more rapid maturation of on neuronal stem cells, thus opening a new scientific direction into the early development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Meyer K, Feldman HM, Lu T, et al. RESR and neural gene network dysregulation in iPSC models of Alzheimer’s disease. Cell Reports. 2019;26:1112-1127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.023

Plant-based Meals & Type 2 Diabetes

Plant-Based Meals Stimulate Incretin and Insulin Secretion in Those with Type 2 Diabetes

A plant-based diet improves secretion of incretin hormones and insulin in those with type 2 diabetes, according to research published in Nutrients.

Researchers compared two energy-matched vegan and non-vegan meals to track improvement in glucose response, a mechanism in developing diabetes, and beta-cell function in a randomized crossover trial. Secretion of insulin, C-peptide, and amylin increased more after the vegan meal than the standard meal. Beta-cell function parameters also improved after the vegan meal. The results suggest clinical applications of vegan diets for improvement of beta-cell function and diabetes treatment.

Kahleova H, Tura A, Klementova M, et al. A plant-based meal stimulates incretin and insulin secretion more than an energy- and macronutrient-matched standard meal in type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover study. Nutrients. 2019;11:486-497.

Raspberries & Glucose Control………

Raspberries May Aid Glucose Control in People with Prediabetes

Increased raspberry intake improves blood sugar control in those with prediabetes, according to research published in Obesity.

Researchers supplied frozen raspberries to 32 participants. They then compared 1 cup, 2 cups, and zero raspberries consumed, and tracked insulin resistance. Those who consumed 2 cups of raspberries saw the most improvement in blood sugar control when compared to those who consumed fewer or no raspberries.

The authors suspect increased fiber intake resulted in the improvements. These results suggest improved management and prevention of diabetes with diet.

Xiao D, Zhu L, Edirisinghe I, et al. Attenuation of postmeal metabolic indices with red raspberries in individuals at risk for diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Obesity. Published online February 14, 2019.

Panic Attacks…

Mental and Emotional Health News ~

Panic Attacks and Anxiety Episodes Linked to Vitamin Deficiencies

For many people, anxiety is a part of their daily routine. They deeply worry about the outcome of their actions, their relationships, their job, their life in general.

Eventually this excessive worry can lead to nervous panic, which can interfere with normal everyday life and lead to other symptoms and complications.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder are conditions that affect nearly 13 million adults in the United States and are characterized by excessive and persistent feelings of anxiety towards everyday situations and events.
Often, anxiety reduces the ability of the individual to function well within society.

One of the more common causes of these panic attacks is a low serotonin level in the body. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating the feelings of wellbeing, happiness, and contentment.

Our bodies synthesize serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan, in a process that also requires vitamin B6 and iron.

Researchers found that vitamin B6 and iron levels are significantly lower in people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks in comparison to people with healthy levels of both.
A diet that contains foods high in vitamin B6 and iron is an essential part of coping with anxiety. Whole-foods, rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds combined with a decrease in processed and packaged foods can drastically improve your mental and emotional health.

Below is a list of foods that are rich in these nutrients.

Vitamin B6:
Sweet potatoes, Spirulina, Hemp seeds, Green beans, Quinoa, Lentils, Oatmeal, Green Peas, Sunflower Seeds, Bananas, Avocado, Asparagus, Almonds, Watermelon, Cashews, Beans, Spinach, Walnuts, Pistachios, Prunes, Kale, Collards, Squash, Pumpkin, Brussel Sprouts, Hearts of Palm, Plantain, Pineapple, Chickpeas, Artichokes, Figs, Nutritional Yeast

Chia seeds, Dill weed, Parsley, Sea vegetables, (kelp, nori, spirulina, dulse
Sea vegetables (kelp, nori, spirulina, dulse, etc.), Spinach, Green peas, Black-strap molasses, Quinoa, Almonds, Raisins, Jerusalem artichokes, Medjool dates, Chickpeas, Dandelion greens, Morel mushrooms, Pumpkin seeds, Hemp seeds

Increasing these foods will improve your mood, and may help prevent anxiety, and anxiety/panic attacks.

Healthful Diets Reduce Depressive Symptoms

A meta-analysis published in Psychosomatic Medicine indicates healthful diets reduce depressive symptoms. Researchers reviewed 16 studies that reported effects of healthful dietary interventions on depression and anxiety.

Results: diets that reduced fatty foods and increased fruit and vegetable consumption led to significantly decreased symptoms of depression, compared to control diets. Increased consumption of fiber, minerals and vitamins from plant foods are indicating improved pathways related to depression, including inflammation and oxidative stress.

Dirth J, Marx W, Dash S, et al. The effects of dietary improvement on symptoms of depression and anxiety: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychosom Med. Published online February 5, 2019.

Regulating blood sugar, fullness and weight management ~

Gastrointestinal hormones help regulate blood sugar, fullness and weight management. According to a recent study in Nutrients, a vegan diet is best for gastrointestinal hormones and satiety.

Dr. Hana Kahleova, M.D., and other researchers, compared a calorie and macronutrient=matched vegan meal with a meal composed of meat and cheese on hormone levels and after-meal satisfaction among 60 men: 20 with obesity, 20 with type-2 diabetes and 20 who were healthy.  In each group, the vegan meal increased satiety and increased certain beneficial hormones, compared with the meat & cheese meal.

A plant-based meal increases gastrointestinal hormones and satiety more than an energy- and macronutrient-matched processed-meat meal in T2D, obese, and healthy men: a three-group randomized crossover study.

These results add to the abundance of evidence that vegan diets often help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Nutrients. 2019;11:157-167.

Klementova M, Thieme L, Haluzik M, et al.