3D-Bio-printed Tumor to Help Identify New Therapeutics

3D-Bioprinted Tumor to Help Identify New Therapeutics
University of Minnesota researchers developed 3D-bioprinted
vascularized tumor tissue to study the molecular mechanisms of tumor
progression and metastasis, and identify therapeutic agents and screen
anticancer drugs.

This in vitro model is completely comprised of human cells, making it
translatable to human anatomy and physiology. Studying the effects of
drugs with human cells at this level makes the results more predictive of what will happen in the body. This model can even use the patients’ own tumor cells leading to advancements in treatments targeted to specific tumor types.  

Vascularized tumor models are created to mimic key steps of cancer
invasion, intravasation, and angiogenesis. This 3D-bioprinted tumor
model can provide valuable understandings into the clinical
translatability of potential treatments since it provides simplified
chemical environments, making it more convenient to define
molecular mechanisms.

Researchers initially focused on lung cancer and melanoma. They are
planning to incorporate more cell types, like immune system cells, as well as cell therapies, and study those interactions. 

DMeng F, Meyer CM, Joung D, et al. 3D bioprinted in vitro metastatic models via reconstruction of tumor microenvironments. Advanced Materials. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201806899 


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